Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why am I so behind?

I always make a goal to update this blog. I never get around to it. But tonight I made myself sit down at the computer to do it. So here goes!! Lets see since my last post. We've run a marathon-gotten a second job, gotten a dog, had a christmas, and my 35th birthday. Thats right I said 35. It was traumatic to me too at first, but im trying to embrace my age. Which is really saying im denying it! But I have a list of 35 new things I want to do in my 35th year and I hope I get to finish them all. So this is gonna turn into my 35 blog! But before I let you in on my 35 things I need to post pics of our last 6 months. So here they are!

After running the St George Marathon. My 3rd Marathon. Kathy's 1st Gregg and Camie's 10th and Pandy's 6th. I have Great siblings!!
Carley wanted to be the queen of hearts for Halloween. We couldnt find a costume- So I made this one. It turned out AMAZING!!

Anyone who knows me knows im a HUGE Utes fan. They had the chance to play Notre Dame this year - I jumped at the chance!! This is a pic from the Sears tower. Chicago is so cool!!

Me in front of Touchdown Jesus! Go Utes!!!
Our seats were AMAZING right at ground level!! It rained the whole time and the Utes played crappy, but it was such a great experience- to be at this holy field. One of the best experiences of my life!!!

Christmas Morning. This is Carley's new Dog Roxy. She is a cute dog but for sure a puppy!

Like I said I love the Utes- They went to the Vegas Bowl this year- So we decided to go to the game. This was Carley on the long drive down!!!

This was us getting ready to go to the game. We were so excited. The Utes sadly lost but we had a great few days!!